The comments feature is alive and active, (yes, even for negative or misleading ones), moderation is for improper or abusive language or content and should it be necessary it will be noted on site. So far no message sent in has been refused. Anyone wishing to comment on an item needs only to click on the 'Comments' link.
As to the statement made in a recent comment that the Discoverer newspaper "published a link to a blog" and it's implication of endorsement; The only mention was a correction printed in the newspaper specifically stating that a blog which had been erroneously referred to in an accompanying letter to the editor several times as being an assoc. site was definitely not an LDPOA website and was not to be confused with the official LDPOA website. This was the only reference to any outside site and was only made as a correction to the inaccurate statement in the accompanying letter. There would have been no mention of the blog had the correction not been necessary. While the Assoc. website is printed in each paper and often highlighted.
The Blog in question has never been linked to the LDPOA website and had never been mentioned here by the assoc., the only reference to it at all has been by those who apparently have differing views. Since a decision was made due to possible conflicts not to allow that site any links on the LDPOA website how would it be fair or impartial to allow those of opposing viewpoints to put up direct link buttons on the title page that could be (and were) misinterpreted as officially part of or endorsed by LDPOA website? Therefore that one feature only was discontinued.
So misleading comments aside, the members are welcome to post their comments here, good, bad, happy or unhappy and as demonstrated by another comment we do not prevent commenters from posting in their comments the address to their own blogs or sites should readers wish to access more of that individuals viewpoint. This is consistent with free speech and expression without regard to points of view or axes to grind. The LDPOA website is intended as an information source for the members and visitors and while comments are indeed welcome it is not intended as a forum for 'Blog Wars' between disagreeing individuals.